How to use iKast?

Modified on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 at 02:48 PM

iKast helps you to manage a catalog of Content and license it to distributors, OTT platforms, TV channels, etc.

Then it controls all your licensing deals, and provides immediate reporting and royalties calculation. iKast can detect any contract infringement and help you to resolve the issue.

All companies registered in iKast are available under a list of Partners.

Within your company, you can have two roles:

1. Buyer is generally related to distributors, OTT platforms, TV channels, etc. that will buy content and distribute them on their platform.

2. Seller is generally related to distributors, producers, studios, artists etc. that will propose their contents to sell.

The classic workflow, if you are a Seller, is the following one:

  1. You create your catalog by adding our importing your contents.

  2. You connect with Buyers by adding them as Partners.

  3. You wait for them to propose you a deal.

  4. You review and accept (or reject) the deal.

  5. You control your royalties data and mitigate any Infringement incident.

The classic workflow , if you are a Buyer, is the following one:

  1. You connect with Sellers by adding them as Partners.

  2. You cherry pick contents you're interested in and build a Contract with your business proposal and submit it to the Seller.

  3. You wait for them to accept (or reject) your deal.

  4. You put online the new licensed contents on your delivery platform.

  5. You control your Royalties data and mitigate in infringement incident.

Message Box will gather all Partners discussions and Contracts events.

Note that you can create Contracts with yourself, when for example you want to keep track on contents that you have in-house (auto production, legacy catalogs, archive, etc.).

Note: At any moment you can invite Buyers or Sellers to join iKast if you want to import Contracts you've already in place.