3. Resources to create your FAST channel

Modified on Mon, 24 Jul 2023 at 11:29 AM

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Media resources & feeds for test & production

Media Resources

  • Testing
    • Sample programs
    • Examples of short programs
    • Examples of long programs

  • Production
    • Inventory of programs
    • Inventory of short programs
    • Inventory of long programs

Link to 

Live Resources (optional)

  • Testing
    • Broadcast loop

  • Production 
    • Program 
    • Event

Link to 

Ad tunnels resources (videos)

  • Jingle Pub IN
  • Jingle Pub OUT
  • ads pod
  • Jingle Self-promotion program (optional)

Link to 

Examples of jingle resources >> 

Resources for channel branding (images & videos)

  • Logo overlay
  • Video filler
  • Overlay for banner information (optional)
  • Overlay for "coming next" (optional)

Link to 

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