You can add shortcuts to content or playlists in the header of your platform:


Go to menu Platform > Layout > Header & Footer

Click on  and add “Categories”, you can choose the location of this menu (left, right or middle) by moving it with your mouse ‘drag and drop’.

To configure the header menu click on the icon  édition then select the smartlist you want to display. You can also display the dynamic smartlist “My List” to allow your viewers to have a shortcut to their favorite content list. More information about the feature “My List” here.

Note: we recommend creating a specific smartlist for the header, as in the example above, including the elements you want to highlight in your header.

  • Create a Display in your project > ADVERTISING > Display > New (with your link) and save.
  • Add the Display to a Smartlist > CONTENT MANAGEMENT > Smartlists > create a new Smartlist and in the ‘Elements’ section select ‘Displays’ (4th pictogram) > add to My Smartlists

The header will display the elements in the order you have set them up in the smartlist. When there is no more space to display them all, it will display an “Explore” menu with all the content. Sometimes it is more recommended to create a playlist with a limited number of elements to avoid opening a drop-down menu.