Your OKAST platform supports Google Analytics tracking and Facebook tracking. What are these trackers? These are tools that will allow you to track users activity on your platform, and thus allow you to optimize your communication and ads budget on Google and Facebook.

What is the role of Facebook Pixel?

Facebook: Pixel Facebook is an analysis tool that will allow you to measure the effectiveness of your ads by following the activity of people on your site. It allows you to reach the right people with your ads, drive more sales, measure the impact of your ads.
More information here>


How is working Google Analytics?

Google Analytics: AdWords is a tool that allows you to follow the activity of people who have clicked on one of your ads, and thus help you to better target your ads to the right people. These ads are paid with a PPC (Pay Per Click), and will appear first at the top of Google search pages, on Gmail, on Google’s search engines, and in many other places.

More information here > 

Important: For both trackers, you will have to activate the service(s) either on OKAST (to configure them, hace a look to this article) or on Google Analytics and Facebook.

In both cases, you will also need to provide the Pixel (Facebook) or ID (Google Analytics).


How configurate a tracking pixel?

To configure the pixel please read this article

Examples of use:

For example, you can decide to target only people who have started filling out the account creation form with your Facebook and AdWords ads. These are “hot” prospects, which will be easier to convert into customers.

You will also be able to calculate the performance of your ads because on Facebook and Adwords, the campaign manager will give you exactly your return on advertising investment (ROAS). For example, if you sell subscriptions 10€ and you have invested 5€ in advertising to convert a customer, then your ROAS is 2. Clearly for 1 € invested in advertising that brings you 2€.