Images (formats, Size)

Modified on Tue, 30 Apr at 11:12 AM

On your OKAST platform you are asked to upload several types of images in the different menus.

Note: we automatically generate 3 resolutions for each image you will upload on OKAST: a low definition, an SD definition, and an HD definition. We then display the right format depending on the size of your page (if you have already many images to display in your carrousel for example) and the Web connexion speed.

General, recommendations :

  • Always upload formats in .jpg (ideally) or. Png or .gif . The other formats are not always displayed by the different browsers (ex. The .tiff formats are not read by Chrome and Firefox).
  • Do not upload large pictures (max 2 Mo), please compress them to have a size below 1Mo for an optimal and fast display.
  • No worries, if your pictures are not (exactly) the right size, we will adapt them to fit in the expected locations, however, they may be slightly cut!


Images for your contents :

We support 4 formats:

  • 16/6 (banner): 1920 x 720 px 
  • 16/9 (thumbnail): 1920 x 1080 px 
  • 3/4 (poster) : 810 x 1080 px 
  • 1/1 (square): 1080 x 1080 px 

Example of a possible layout in poster format. Please note that this format does not support the short description when hovered over, for reasons of display to your users.

On the Home Page you can choose, in Platform > Layout > Homepage, the formats that you want to display in your carrousels.


On the smartlist page, you can choose in Platform > Layout > Smartlist Page the main format that you want to display in all your smartlists pages. 

Images for your offers

We allow to upload 4 formats, but we only use the 16/9 format

Images for your smartlists

We support 4 formats:

  • 16/6 (banner): 1920 x 720 px 
  • 16/9 (thumbnail): 1920 x 1080 px 
  • 3/4 (poster) : 810 x 1080 px 
  • 1/1 (square): 1080 x 1080 px 

On the Home Page you can choose, in Platform > Layout > Homepage, the formats that you want to display in your carrousels.


On the Smartlist page we only display a 16/6 (banner): 1920 x 720 px on the top of the page: