Create and manage push notifications on your platform

Modified on Tue, 23 Jan, 2024 at 2:39 PM

Push notifications are important traffic drivers on your platform and improve the user experience. How to create and manage push notifications with Okast? We explain everything in this article.



Okast has established a partnership with Wonderpush so that you can offer your users to activate push notifications. This functionality, which you control from your back office, is optional and is based on the cost of setting up this functionality on your back office, as well as the rates applied by our partner Wonderpush.

If you want to get this feature activated on your back office, contact us.  After this activation, we will give you an access to your Wonderpush account.


Setting up tags from the back office

Once the “Notifications” feature is activated in your back office and your Wonderpush account is accessible, you can now create your tags.

The creation and management of tags is done from the back office from a dedicated menu. A tag represents a topic to which your users can subscribe in order to receive push notifications.

Indeed, when you want to create a new notification, you indicate the tag that will be used in Wonderpush. You have the possibility that this tag is activated by default for new users from their profile.

In the “Translations” section, you must then indicate the name of this tag that will appear on your platform, in the dedicated tab of all your users’ profiles.

Note that the browsers that support this type of notification are only Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera.


Rendering on the platform

Each user can set up his notification tags directly from the dedicated tab on his profile. He can choose to activate all of them or choose among the available tags.


Creation and management of segments on Wonderpush

Segmentation consists in dividing your audience into sub-groups, called segments, based on some common characteristics.

Wonderpush is the tool that allows you to create and manage your notifications. If you want to get an account, please contact us.

WonderPush allows you to send notifications to one or more segments. These segments are preconfigured and you can also create your own segments based on the criteria that seem most relevant to you.

Segment page

Examples of preconfigured segments are:

  • iOS app subscribers: users of your iOS app
  • Online users: users of your website
  • 7-Day Active users: subscribers who have visited at least once in the last 7 days
  • Online users: subscribers currently logged into your website or mobile app

For your own segments, these will meet criteria defined by you. These criteria can be based on data provided by WonderPush (such as language, operating system, etc.) or by you through the implementation of Tags which are like labels that you can stick on your different users. For example, if your platform offers concerts, you can create tags according to the musical genres offered: rock, rap, metal, etc.

The segment creation and editing page allows you to manipulate the segments and to specify in particular:

  • the name of the segment
  • an optional description
  • a set of rules that users must respect to be part of the segment:

Segment page

By default, the rule set of a segment is empty and the segment corresponds to your entire audience. Adding a rule is done by clicking on the “Add criteria” button. Each rule has its own form and the first element of the form is always a drop-down menu to specify the type of rule. Here, the rule type is “Tag”.

You can add as many rules as you need. Regarding the tag rules, you can then select or write one or more tags that you want to segment.  In the example above where we use the tags Basket and concert, choosing “is among” will correspond to users who are tagged Basket or concert, or both. Using “is not among”, on the other hand, will correspond to users who are neither tagged Basket nor concert.

So you can create as many tags as you want here and set up your push notifications from your back office by matching the tags created in Wonderpush. You can also set up several tags per segment.

WARNING : tags are case sensitive, so “Sport” and “sport” will not be the same tags in Wonderpush and on your back office.


Creating push notifications on WonderPush

Step 1: Compose your message

The Compose section is where you edit the content of the notification. This unique form allows you to create different types of possible notifications, from the simplest one containing just a text, to the most sophisticated one with multiple buttons, a large image or a video.

Here, only the Text field is mandatory. You can also add a Title. In this case, these will be displayed on two different lines, as shown in the preview.

Please note: ? Every text field supports emoji! Just copy/paste any standard emoji from emoji directories such as Getemoji or emojipedia.

When the notification is clicked

This section allows you to set up a URL or deeplink and add actions. If you leave this part empty, a click on the notification will simply open your application or website.

There is no universal Link, that is a web URL that turns into a mobile URL depending on the device used. So when you manage your deeplinking on desktop and on mobile, you must define an app_url name like platform://content/uuid_of_media so that the clickable URL on mobile refers to the same URL as on the web.

Adding actions allows you to attach additional actions to be performed when clicking on the notification including:

  • Add tags: put tags on users who clicked on the notification
  • Remove tags and Remove all tags: remove tags

Optional buttons

The optional buttons appear directly on the notification and can be configured using the corresponding form: you can set up a URL or deeplink and add actions like those mentioned above.

Some settings may be specific to each platform. So this is where you can choose a different URL depending on whether the notification is received on your iOS or Android app or on your website.


A/B testing

WonderPush allows you to set up A/B tests for your notifications. Setting up an A/B test is done by clicking on the Add Variant button. An additional editing form will appear in a tab. By creating multiple variants of your notification, you are setting up an A/B test.  When your notification will be sent, WonderPush will arbitrarily choose one or the other variant and WonderPush will then collect the respective performance of each variant in order to put forward the most efficient variant.


Step 2: Choose to attach an in-app component

You have the possibility to attach an in-app component that is displayed when the notification is clicked.


Step 3: Target your audience

The Audience tab allows you to target the audience that will receive your notification. You can choose to send your notification to your entire audience or to a segment of your choice.

If you choose the “Send only to…” option you must specify the segmentation rules you want to apply.

Step 4: Schedule the notification to be sent

In this part of the creation and modification process, you choose the name of the notification and determine when it will be sent.

Campaign name
The campaign name is only here to help you distinguish notifications from each other. It is never shown to end-users.

WonderPush offers 5 ways to trigger your sending:
  • Manually.
    The notification is sent when you press the Fire button of the Notifications page or Notification detail page.
  • When a subscriber performs an event
    The notification is sent whenever subscribers perform an event.
  • After a subscriber visits a URL
    The notification is sent to the subscriber after they visit a specific URL of your choice.
  • On a specific date
    The notification is sent on a date you specify.
  • Periodically
    The notification is sent periodically

When a subscriber performs an event

The notification is sent when subscribers perform an event, i.e. when they take certain actions. For example, you can send a "Thank you" push notification 15 minutes after users have made a specific purchase on your platform.

When a subscriber visits a URL

The notification is sent to the subscriber after they have visited a specific URL of your choice. See URL-based automation.

When a subscriber enters the target audience

Notification is sent to users entering a segment.

When your developer makes a call to the Management API
The notification can only be sent via the REST API.


The pressure management settings help you to:

  • Cap the number of notifications you send to a particular user.
  • Set a TTL, the time for which information should be cached, to your push notifications after which push gateways (Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc.) should delete these notifications if the targeted devices have retrieved them.


Step 5: Save and activate your notification

Almost done ;)

  • If you set up a manual notification, it will be sent when you click the FIRE button on the notifications page.
  • If you set up an automatic notification, it will be sent according to the rules you set up once you activate it in the notifications page.
  • If you want to make this notification a reusable template for future campaigns, check the corresponding box. You will then be able to create notifications by duplicating this notification directly from the Create a notification button.


Push notifications and analytics management on WonderPush

The notifications page

It displays a list of all the notifications configured for your project. This list includes the built-in notifications as well as your own notifications.

Each notification has a set of actions that allow you to send it, edit it, duplicate it, preview it on test users or delete it. If the notification has an ON/OFF button, they are automatic active or deactive notifications.

When the notification has been sent and clicked, the following information is obtained about the number of sends, the number of confirmed sends, the number of clicked notifications and the corresponding click rate:

The detail page of a notification

Clicking on the notification title or on the notification line will take you to the notification detail page.

The notification detail page contains all the information related to a notification:

  • its general information (identifier, name, segment)
  • a set of controls to trigger, activate, send to test users, modify and delete the notification
  • an overview of the notification content
  • detailed metrics including a summary, a graph and a table.

There are two sets of indicators on a notification detail page:

  • Notification indicators, which provide detailed reports on the volume of notifications sent, confirmed, clicked, etc.
  • Subscriber indicators, which provide corresponding reports broken down by user.

Definition of metrics

New opt-insnumber of users that subscribed to push notifications.
Unsubscribednumber of users who opted-out of push notifications
Total visitsNumber of visits.Unique visitorsNumber of unique visitors.
Notifications sentNumber of notifications sent.Notified usersNumber of users that received a notification.
Confirmed receiptsNumber of notifications acknowledged by the targeted devices.Confirmed recipientsNumber of devices that acknowledged a least one notification.
Notifications clickedNumber of notifications clicked.Clicking usersNumber of users that clicked on a notification.
In-app viewedNumber of in-app impressions.In-app viewersNumber of users that saw an in-app.
In-app clicksNumber of in-app clicksIn-app clickersNumber of users that clicked an in-app.


The general dashboard on WonderPush

The “Overview” tab of your account on WonderPush allows you to have, in the form of a dashboard, detailed and general analysis on your project.

You have the same indicators as on the detailed page of a notification, but here it is the indicators applied to all the notifications of your project.

So now you can use push notifications to increase the engagement of your audience by offering more targeted content and improving the user experience.


Contact us for any question about push notifications.

If you want to know more about WonderPush and its features, check their documentation.