Scenario creation and management

Modified on Wed, 26 Jul 2023 at 12:00 PM

What is a scenario?

A scenario is a stream design scenario. It's what makes it possible to customize the visual layout of the flow for a given set of programs.

Scenario structure

Technically, a scenario is made up of multiple layers (or nodes)

A node is a graphic element that can be :

  • Text
  • Image
  • Panoramic image (e.g. weather image) 
  • Video
  • Motion design

All these elements can be customized and automated via one or more data sources, such as a CMS or BackOffice.

How do I create a scenario?

⚠️ At present, scenario creation cannot be carried out by users on their own.

For any requests or questions, please contact Okast to create and customize your skinning scenarios. Okast will create a customized skin for your different use cases.

How do I manage my scenarios?

A scenario is linked to a Tag, which in turn is linked to a medium. For more information on Tags > Tags: creation & management

This hierarchy could be presented as follows:

1. Packaging scenario

2. Tag

3. Media

That's why the creation of packaging scenarios is the 1st thing to do when creating a FAST TV channel.

Examples of scenarios

By default, there can be 2 simple scenarios on your chain:


This scenario will automatically display a logo in one of the upper corners of the image to mark content.


This scenario will automatically not display a logo on the image, no content marking.

You probably want to apply these 2 scenarios to your channel. Logo during your programs and No Logo during advertising tunnels.

Applying a branding scenario to your programs

Let's return to our example.

To apply a scenario to a program type, you need to break down the action into 2 steps:

1. Create a tag with the right associated scenario, or modify an existing tag.

2. Associate the tag with the program(s) concerned.

To activate the LOGO scenario on your tags :

a. Go to the Video / Tags section

b. Define a Tag that can be associated with one of the program families in your inventory


a. Import an existing Tag into your Media Manager

b. Associate the LOGO scenario

c. Click on the Create Tag button

Result: The tag is created, and its configuration includes the use of the LOGO scenario.

Associating a scenario with media when it is deposited

To activate a scenario on a program, you need to : 

  • Go to the Video / Add video section.

  • Select the appropriate method according to the deposit mode.

  • Find the newly created or edited Tag.

  • Click on the button to the right of the Tags to automatically load the Tag's metadata, including the associated scenario.

  • Click on the Send file button.

  • Wait for your media to be normalized

Result: Your media has the right Tag, with the right scenario.

Associating a scenario with several media in a folder

To modify the scenario associated with some or all of the media in a folder, you must :

  • Go to the Folder / Edit section

  • Select the folder where you wish to make changes

  • Click on the ... button to open the multiple editing mode

  • Check all or some of the media in the folder

  • Select the action to be performed Modify scenario

  • Click on Apply

  • Select the scenario you wish to edit

  • Click on Apply

  • Finally save by clicking on the red button to apply the changes to the Playout

Result: All or part of the media will be played by the Playout according to the correct scenario.