Tags, creation and management

Modified on Wed, 26 Jul, 2023 at 1:41 PM

Managing and organizing content and programs TABLE OF CONTENTS : 

Creating tags

Before you start importing your content one by one, we recommend that you first create the tags corresponding to your programs.

Tags are used to group and classify content, as well as to pre-fill metadata fields.

In our example, we'll create one tag per program type

Go to the video tab > Tags

Create tag(s)

Field details

  • Name: This is the name of your tag (visible everywhere).

  • Color : Used to differentiate between different programs on the grid.

  • Associated scenario: Allows you to link with a dressing scenario (see dedicated section).

⚠️ Associating a scenario with a tag is highly recommended See Scenarios: creation & management.

  • Path: enables tags to be prioritized.

Metadata associated with the tag (default description values)

  • Title
  • Subtitle
  • Description
  • Program
  • Year
  • Category
  • Speakers
  • Country
  • Classification
  • Keywords

Any text pasted into these fields will be automatically applied to content possessing the tag (useful for quickly populating the media database). ⚠️ It is always possible to override the text manually in the relevant media file.


Title : Self-promo

****Subtitle: internal content promotion

****Description: Allows you to support your production.

Program : OKAST DEMO

Year : 2022

Category: Self promotion

Speakers : Philippe Gourgand | Video Product Owner

Country: France 

Classification: General public

Key word : OKAST, demo

Click on the Add tag button to create the tag and add it to your list.

Existing tag list & hierarchy

The Path field lets you create a tag hierarchy in the same way as a file path.

In this example, we have the Auto-promo tag (1), located in the Demo node sub-level (2) comprising 9 tags.

A Test node sub-level (3) for content corresponding to technical test events, comprising 1 tag, Technical test.

Another sub-level dedicated to LiveEvent (4) contains the programs that will be used to retrieve and display a Live stream. To find out more, read this page: Live, Introduction.

Example of an Auto-Promo Tag with associated scenario

Once you've created your 1st draft tag, we'll import the following media