Partners, or how to start making business

Modified on Tue, 04 Apr 2023 at 04:50 PM

All companies registered in iKast are available under a list of Partners directly accessible via the PARTNERS menu.

All companies are listed with core information to spot them :

  • A type: Producer, Distributor, Studio, Festival, see Account and profile for more information
  • A logo

  • Name

  • Nb of Contents they have for licensing

  • Nb of ongoing Contracts they are running

  • The way they report royalties and logs 

To start making business with any of these Partners, you need to establish a partnership.

Hover on the column 'last update ' to see two buttons:

  • '+' by clicking it you will send a partnership request to this Organization, wait for them for a decision. 

  • '-' by clicking it you will disconnect from this Organization.

    • You can't disconnect if you have any ongoing business (Contracts)

The Status give you a quick hint about your relationship with all listed Partners:

  • A black dot means you are not (or no more) connected;

  • gray dot means that you've sent a connection request, it's pending

  • green dot means you are connected, ready to make business!

You will find in your Message Box Partner's reply to your requests.

Note: by default you're connected to yourself. It allows you to make contracts with yourself and then manage royalties and catalogs that you may have outside of iKast.