Analytics: content consumption report

Modified on Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 4:32 PM

On OKAST you can follow the statistics linked to the consumption of your content: To do this, go to the ANALYSIS REPORTS > Content menu.

1- 'Current' and 'Cumulative' views of your content

The first widget allows you to see the number of views of your content, both cumulative and non-cumulative.

This data is displayed in the form of a bar chart, with the option of changing the time range to observe and compare the 'current' and 'cumulative' active views.

The button ongives you access to a date selector for the same day, the day before, the week, the month, the last 3 months, the last 6 months, the current year or since you registered.

Finally, you can download your viewing report using the button.

2- Consumption of your content

You will be able to access different information:

  • Duration: This is the value you entered in the parameters for your content.

  • Number of views: This is the number of views for your content.

  • Please note that we only count a view after 3 seconds!

  • Total duration: This is the sum of all the viewing durations.

  • Average duration: This is the average viewing duration for each content item (total duration divided by the number of views).

  • Last viewed: Date on which the content was last viewed.

The buttongives you access to a date selector for the same day, the day before, the week, the month, the last 3 months, the last 6 months, the current year or since you registered.

Finally, you can download your viewing reports:

Use the buttonto download a list of your content grouped by number of views.

The buttonallows you to download the list of your content for each view.