OKAST enables you to understand when, from which medium and why your users have left you. This data belongs to you and you can capitalise on it.

From the menu Analytics > Sales you can follow the activity related to the monetization of your video content on your platform.


Overview activity

At the very top, you will see a banner with the overview activity of your platform: number of offers created and their type, as well as the number of active users on your platform:


The first 2 widgets allow you to track the evolution of your customers by offer. You can follow activity on a particular offer or on a cumulative basis (if you have several). A pie chart allows you to compare the number of users per offer (and thus see which one is the most popular). 

For subscriptions : What is the evolution of subscriptions to my offers?

For unsubscribers: What is the trend in unsubscribes to my offers?

What are the reasons of unsubscriptions to my offers?

The third widget allows you to follow the evolution of your churn (i.e number of unsubscribers) as part of a subscription offer. You will also see a spider chart to analyse the main unsubscription reasons.


The reasons for unsubscribing are asked of your users in a form when they unsubscribe. 

You can customise this form with the questions of your choice (please contact us). If you select "Other", a dialogue box will appear.

To find out more about the look and feel of the form in the user interface, click here > User profile menus on your platform (storefront)

How are split my subscriptions?

You can track the number of users (and subscribers) to your offers, as well as the number of gifts and free copies distributed, using this breakdown table: How are my subscriptions distributed?

How are split my subscriptions?

You can also track the breakdown of sales using the breakdown table: How are my sales broken down?