FAQ // Frequently Asked Questions

Modified on Wed, 3 Apr, 2024 at 10:40 AM


Everybody can : professionals as private individuals. You just need to own all the rights on the videos you want to monetize. Above all, you have to be motivated by creating a real business from you video contents, and ready to gather an interested audience around your projects.

What kind of contents can be uploaded ? Any forbidden ones ?

All kinds of premium or with added value contents : movies, short films, documentaries,  fictions, cartoons, web series, tutorials, performing arts …

We don’t accept :

  • Reproductions / extracts from video projects you don’t own the rights
  • Commercials
  • Pornographic contents

What is your commission rate ?

We collect a 15% commission on each transaction (whatever price you set up).

What are your prices ?

We have a price grid which is adapted to the evolutions of your project. The price is calculated according to your video storage needs and your audience.

Contact us for more info or to get a cost estimate !

Charges applied to refunded payments: disputes and litigation

You enter into a dispute with a customer when they dispute their payment and request a refund. If the customer wins the dispute, i.e. the customer's bank takes the requested amount from your account, your customer is refunded, i.e. the transaction is economically zero for them = €0. However, refunds may incur several non-refunded charges.

Stripe's processing fees for the initial transaction will not be refunded. Additional fees may apply in certain regions and for certain payment types.

OKAST processing fees related to the initial transaction will not be refunded.

Do I need to sign a contract ?

No, you just need to accept our Terms and Conditions. For any specific and customized projects we can have a contract with special conditions (if needed).

Can I do bulky uploads ?

We have many solutions to make uploads easier for you ! Contact us to know more about it !

Can I give access to free contents ?

You can decide to offer free contents with advertisement (AVOD) or to send free copies to some clients. You can also push free videos as trailers or stuff like that. We have flexible solutions to help you grow your audience, and your business.


Can I set up my website and my video contents in several languages ?

Yes, you can absolutely do it. You can upload your contents and metadata in as many languages as you want.

Can I offer several monetization options for my clients on a same page ?

Yes, you can set up SVOD (subscriptions), TVOD (rentals or sales) and AVOD options.

Can I customize the number of videos on the Home Page of my SVOD websites ?

It depends on the templates you are using. But in any cases you can choose the videos showcasing on it. You can also use your own design with our APIs or send us mockups to be integrated. Contact us

What kind of data do I get about my clients and their consumption ?

You can get many clients’ info such as their name, country, hometown, email… You can also have a look to our detailed dashboards : most watched content, incomes…

Do you have any marketing tools ?

You will be able to use various tools : coupons, free trial, a newsletter tool, news updates, CRM tools.

Write us to master our tools !

How can I test your service as if I was one of my clients (payments, viewing…) ?

You’ll have access to a special user ID to login as your clients would do.

How are taxes working ? What should I declare ?

The prices you set up are always including taxes of each country. You will have then to deduct the right amount of taxes depending of where your client made the transaction.

Know more in our help center .

Can my clients pay through Paypal or other systems ?

Currently, your clients can only pay with their debit card. Our system is ultra-secured and we accept almost all the debit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express…). There will be soon others, including Paypal.

How are payouts working ? When ? Where ?

Each month, whatever the amount, you receive your revenues on your bank account, with our commission withdrawn. We don’t directly cash your sales because we are not allowed to. They are transferred on a Stripe account, our payment service provider.

Do you deal with collecting societies ?

No we don’t. Since we are a service provider, we don’t do payouts to these companies because they depend on their respective territories. But keep calm, we give you many information to make this process easier (e.g. sales and consumption reports).

Do you already have a client base ?

We are not a VOD platform so we are not offering contents to an existing audience. But, we can totally help you to build your very own audience.

And what about marketing promotion for my video contents ?

We assist you during your launch with our marketing expertise.

I uploaded my content but how come I still don’t have any sales ?

If you don’t promote your offer, nobody will know about it ! Develop your sales strategy thanks to the resources (blog articles, handbooks…) we share with you.

Can I offer my contents in B to B ?

Of course ! Send us a message

Is it possible to create an access for a group of clients (university, school…) ?

Yes it is !


Do you provide DRM ?

We have an advanced encryption standard (AES) video protection. In some cases we can provide DRM, keep in touch if you want to know more.

Where are hosted the videos ? Is it safe ?

All our info are hosted in a secured cloud, with backups to get our data back in case of emergency. Your contents are in good hands with us.

Is it possible to rent or play videos already hosted elsewhere ?

Our player can sometimes read videos hosted in other servers. But it is on a case-by-case basis, let’s chat together about it !

Is it possible to add my VOD platform on other websites or via API ?

Yes, we have APIs and we can also integrate your platform on other existing websites.

Go here: https://developer.okast.tv/portal/ or contact us


What kind of video files are allowed ? (format, weight, compression…)

We can deal with a bunch of different formats,. Find the complete list in our help center.


Which Player are you using ?

Our HTLM5 player is full of good surprises ! More info in our help center.


Is your Player exportable ?

Yes it is !

Who is your payment service provider ? Is it trustworthy ?

We teamed up with Stripe, leader on the online payment market. Stripe is certified “Service Provider Level 1 PCI”, the highest security level.

Can I upload 4K formats ?

Yes, 4K formats are accepted! For other questions or precisions, read our dedicated article about accepted encoding formats.

Which subtitle formats do you support ?

The  formats

We accept the WebVTT format (.vtt).

This WebVTT format allows you to create offsets and change the position of the subtitle.
To do this you need to add tags to the text of the file > WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks Format


Modify my subtitles

However, you can change the layout and size of the subtitles directly in the player where your content is played.

Go to Subtitle settings > > Subtitle.

Then choose the settings from the drop-down menu.

Do you provide a SLA ?

Yes we have a minimum 99,9% SLA (standard), possibly going up to 99,99%, depending on your contract type.

How are you different from Vimeo ?

On Vimeo, your contents are on a Vimeo branded page, with possibly some other creators contents or recommendations for similar artists on your own page.

On OKAST, you can create your very own video service with your brand (and only your brand). In addition, your clients don’t need to create an account beforehand, to buy your contents. And we also provide several innovative marketing tools and different monetization models (advertising, subscription, sale, renting…) that can be mixed together.

How are you different from Youtube ?

Youtube is a great network to be known and to grow your audience on. Nonetheless, you are pretty drawn in an ocean of other contents and creators. You don’t have access to your clients’ data (emails…). In addition, the monetization ads system needs a lot of views each month to generate significant revenues. OKAST helps you creating your branded video service and to provide a personalized and premium experience. Bonus : you are still owning the data of your audience.

Are you a VOD platform ?

OKAST is not a VOD platform but a service to create your own one. We don’t license your video rights and you manage the client experience and their data.