Dynamic packaging scenario: Rebroadcast - original broadcast date

Modified on Fri, 4 Aug, 2023 at 4:29 PM

It may happen that you broadcast the same program several times. In this case, we recommend that you visually indicate that the program being broadcast is a rerun.


→ Report initially broadcast in the evening, then rebroadcast the following day.

→ On-air fill-in with program rerun.

Design requirements

  • Provide the Okast Onboarding team with a visual mock-up.

  • Provide font file in .ttf format.

  • Define a position for information display

    This allows the designers to create your skin scenario as faithfully as possible.

  • Activate the scenario on your account

Activation rules

[tag not excluded] 

    AND [scenario Rediffusion] 

        AND [has a date] 

            AND [past date]

                AND [rediff option activated for this account]

These rules will be applied in cascade to ensure the conformity of the information and avoid display errors.


For your media to be compatible with this skinning scenario, it is imperative that the 3 fields making up the Date metadata are filled in when your media is ingested.

API ingestion

When ingesting media, edit the JSON metadata. Add the values dateDay, dateMonth & dateYear to be defined according to the formats described below.

    "title":"Media title",
    "subtitle":"Media subtitle",
    "description":"Media description, write here the full description of the media",

"dateDay": Production or broadcast date (day) 

  • Format : String or Integer 
  • Example: 04 or 4 

"dateMonth" : Production or broadcast date (month)

  • Format: String or Integer 
  • Example: 04 or 4

"dateYear": Production or broadcast date (year) 

  • Format: String or Integer 
  • Example: 2022 

All 3 keys must have a value. If a value is missing, the dressing scenario won't work properly! 

These keys are present in the JSON metadata template available here > Media import: Metadata resources. 

Manual ingestion 

When ingesting manually via the administration interface, simply add the desired values to the Date fields as shown below

Then click on Send file: if ingesting, or Update: if editing existing media.