Workshop 2: Insert a simple direct on the playout

Modified on Mon, 07 Aug 2023 at 04:06 PM

Step 1 - Create a Live entry point.

To do this, go to the Live / Live Management section.

Method :

  • Assign a name.
  • Click Add Live Broadcast


A new item appears in the Live broadcast list.

This screen gives you a complete view of the health and usage status of the Live entry point(s).

  • Source
    • Status: NO / YES.
    • Bitrate: bitrate of the incoming stream.
    • Uptime: Consecutive duration of flow entry.
  • Capture :
    • Status: NO / YES
  • Buffer state:
    • Duration
    • Weight

Step 2 - create a Live program

To do this, go to the Video / Add a video section.

Method :

  • Check Live (to select the import method).

  • Choose the entry point created earlier from the drop-down list.

  • Set the nominal term of the direct future.

  • Give it a Tag (ex: Live).

  • Assign a name to quickly identify the use of this live.

  • Add metadata specific to the live, it will appear in the EPG ex: name of the event, description, speakers, date, thumbnail.

  • Click on “send file”.


A new Live program is created.

To view it or edit its metadata, go to the Video / All Videos section.

Method :

  • Filter the media display by Tag.

  • Select Live from the drop-down list.

  • The interface will display the existing Live program(s).

The action buttons on the right allow you to:

  • Generate my program broadcast statistics according to the time interval entered.

  • Edit program metadata (rename, change entry point).

  • Duplicate the program.

  • Delete the program: Be careful, the button will not appear as long as the program is used in a playlist.

  • Click on the “edit” button.

  • Add or edit program metadata:

  • Title (Required for EPG)

  • Subtitle (Required for EPG)

  • Description

  • Date

  • Speakers

  • Add an image (Required for EPG)


Live Program metadata is added/edited

Step 3 - Insert a Live program into a schedule.

Here, there can be 2 scenarios:

1. If it's the daytime playlist

To do this, go to the Playlist / Today section.

  • Display the schedule management interface.

  • Filter available programs by tag or folder.

  • Select the program with a left click Live that you want to broadcast today.

  • Drag and drop between the left column and the right column while holding the left click.

  • If you want to insert the Live program between 2 programs.

  • Release the left click to position the program at the location marked by the green line.

  • If you want to replace an existing program with the Live program.

  • Now the "capital" button is hovering over the right column, the program circled in green will be the replaced program.

  • Check the program spread time, located under the playlist column.

  • If the excess duration is too long, it is recommended to make adjustments to the playlist of the day.

  • Validate the changes to the playlist by clicking on the red button at the top right of the right column


Your Live program is planned and will soon be played by the Playout.

Do not forget to activate and deactivate the recording and the broadcast of the live.

2. If it's next day's playlist

To do this, go to the Playlist / Calendar section.

Method :

  • Position yourself on the specific day of broadcast.

  • If the target day already has a schedule.

  • Click on the target day.
    • Display the schedule management interface.
    • Filter available programs by tag or folder.
    • Select the program with a left click Live that you want to broadcast today.
    • Drag and drop between the left column and the right column while holding the left click.

  • If the target day does not already have a schedule.
  • Create today's schedule via automation or manual scheduling.
  • Add the Live program manually.

  • If you want to insert the Live program between 2 programs.
    • Release the left click to position the program at the location marked by the green line.

  • If you want to replace an existing program with the Live program.
    • Now the "capital" button is hovering over the right column, the program circled in green will be the replaced program.

  • Check the program spread duration, located under the playlist column.
    • If the excess duration is too long, it is recommended to make adjustments to the playlist of the day.
  • Validate the changes to the playlist by clicking on the red button at the top right of the right column.


Your Live program is scheduled and will be played by the Playout.

Do not forget to activate and deactivate the recording and the broadcast of the live.