Media: Concatenation of media

Modified on Thu, 27 Jul, 2023 at 2:49 PM

It may happen that your media is split into "parts". In this case, you can concatenate 2 or more parts of a video to generate a whole new one. Warning: this feature is in Beta version.


To use this feature, go to the media base, click on the Video tab, then All videos.


1. selection of parts

In the media base :

  • Tick the Beta function to activate the feature (in the top left-hand corner of your screen).

  • Then tick the media to be concatenated (in chronological order of parts).

  • Then click on this pictogram >.

This will open a new metadata entry screen for media.

2. Concatenation and metadata

Technically, we're recreating new media from existing media.

In this screen, check the 3 mandatory pieces of information: 

  1. The concatenation order of the parts.

  2. The tag to be associated with the new media.

  3. The title and other metadata to be associated with this new media.

Then click on "Send media" to add the concatenated version to your media database.

Please note: As this is new media, the concatenated version is in the validation phase and must be validated before use.

Once the concatenated version has been finalized, you can delete the individual media parts from the database to save storage space.

3. Availability of concatenated media

Your new media is available in the media database, just like classic media.

By default, it will be read in the segment continuity.

If you wish to go further, Media: interstitial insertion